How are vision disorders associated with ADHD? Dr. Cheryl Berger-Israeloff specializes in Binocular Vision Disorders (BVD’s) on Long Island, NY. She’s also receiving HIA-LI’s Prestigious 2016 Business Achievement Award Rookie of the Year this September. It’s thrilling to have her on to help clarify the connection with ADHD.
Listen, as she shares just what BVD’s are and describes what affects between 5 – 10% of the population. It’s a type of Binocular Vision Disorder, Vertical Heterophoria, which unfortunately is showing up in the ADHD population.
Symptoms include blurry vision, dizziness, headaches, imbalance, neck aches, and eye pain. In addition, some symptoms seemingly have nothing to do with the eyes, like overall fatigue.
She uses a special measuring technique, in which, she received special training. Consequently, many other eye doctors don’t even know about these conditions or how to properly look for them.
Be sure and visit Dr. Cheryl at www.nvcofny.com where you’ll find more information and a link to a test you can easily take online.
Dr Cheryl’s Awesome Quote:
“We know up to 50% of people with
ADHD have binocular vision problems.”
Vision Disorders
Dr. Cheryl Berger-Israeloff offers cutting edge technology to New York and the surrounding tri-state area! She’s able to treat Vertical Heterophoria and other types of BVD’s, all without medication. That’s because “the medicine” is in glasses!
Dr. Cheryl is also on Facebook. Or call her at 516-224-4888. The Neuro Visual Center of New York is located at 300 Garden City Plaza Suite 404, Garden City, NY.
~ Jennie
The HIA-LI will be honoring Dr. Cheryl Berger Israeloff and her Neuro Visual Center of New York this Fall. She’ll be receiving the Prestigious 2016 Business Achievement Award Rookie of the Year. This is in recognition for her business growth, leadership and overall commitment to Long Island.
Furthermore, the award will be given out at the HIA-LI’s September 20th Gala Luncheon at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, N.Y.
Relevant Resources:
Dr Cheryl’s Blog