time blindness

Managing Time Blindness in ADHD

Update: Sign up for my Boss the Clock Masterclass! Time Blindness Time blindness is common for folks with ADHD. In another article, I’ve expanded on the idea of how many with ADHD operate within the …

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time blindness

ADHD Time: ‘Now’ and ‘Not Now’

As standard operating procedure for many with ADHD, rather than having an internal clock which perceives the passing of time, time is experienced from two sorts of “time zones,” Now and Not Now. For instance, if something …

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Unstructured Time

The ADHD Twilight Zone and Unstructured Time

You wake up Saturday morning, and the whole day is stretching ahead of you, no appointments to keep, no place you have to be, no demands on your time. For hours on end, that time …

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Staying Present

Staying Present – The Challenge of ADHD

“There’s one big key to having everything you want and maximizing your potential. Know what it is? Staying present.” “Our friend, Geoff Pilkington, has been on podcasts here on See In ADHD and this is …

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The ADHD Ability Gap

How You Manage the ADHD Ability Gap

Here to explain the ADHD ability gap is Andrew Akre. Diagnosed in grade school, his experience offers him a unique view, which he uses to help his ADHD clients. As an ADHD Coach, he knows …

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