Someone Like Me With ADHD

Maybe There’s Someone Like Me With ADHD

“Maybe there’s someone like me,” Whitney M explains while talking about how difficult it can be to connect with others who have ADHD, especially if you’re in a small town. On the internet, her discovery not only brought her connectivity but lots of acceptance and sharing of information, from strategies and tools, to advice on medications.
Listen in, as we delve into what she began blogging about. As she explains, she can’t help that she has so many interests: crafting, writing, connecting with others, helping people, and ADHD.
Whitney’s blog title isn’t mentioned in the show or notes at this time, as well as I’ve omitted other identifying information, because she’s taking a break right now and left it up to me whether to include it. So, I promise, if and when she starts up again, I’ll post all of the active links.
Whitney’s Awesome Quote:

Someone Like Me With ADHD“People who don’t have ADHD
could learn a lot from people who do.”


Someone Like Me

Whitney’s initial intentions about blogging had nothing to do with money or business. She was just hoping to “find someone like me with ADHD.”
She’s a devoted wife and mother as well as a creative type, busy writing a book, maintaining a blog, making jewelry, scrapbooking, cake decorating, and more. Yet, she holds her audience in the highest regard making certain to take time everyday helping promote their small businesses by retweeting their posts on Twitter. (You know, it’d be rude not to.)
Please do subscribe to See in ADHD talk radio on iTunes. New episodes air Monday through Friday.
~ Jennie