Artist, Musician, Writer, Humorist, Audio Tech/Engineer; join me with “Million-Miles-a-Minute” Charles Newby of Charles at Large on YouTube.
Father, husband, age 32. Born and raised in the beautiful Chattanooga Valley in Tennessee.
First, Charles shares his stories of ADHD diagnosis and his experience with the meds.
Then, he explains his bouts with substance abuse, how he overcame his addictions and changed his life around.
Charles’ Awesome Quote:
“Bear with us.”
As a million-miles-a-minute thinker, Charles suggests that folks just bear with their friends and family with ADHD.
Like most everyone with the condition, he has many hobbies, interests and skills including comedy.
I think I laughed the whole way through the interview.
Charles is extremely funny and charming and would love for you to check him out on YouTube.
Personally, I can’t wait to have him on again!
If you like this episode, please be sure to leave your rating and review on iTunes.
~ Jennie