Laura Pennington, of Better Biz Academy, shares how the support of great people helped shape her future, leading her into successfully freelancing.
She begins by describing herself as a voracious reader when she was little.
But she was also the one who would do her homework but forget to take the folder to school.
Her story includes taking the medication, learning strategies and having a strong support system including teachers who recognized her strengths and interests as early as third grade.
She’s grateful because it’s the reason she could discover for herself what makes her tic.
Laura’s Awesome Quote:
“I’m so happy I have people who put up
with all of my all-over-the-placeness … so
grateful I have these people in my corner.”
ADHD Freelancing
As a freelance writer, the thing Laura loves most about her work is the flexibility it affords her as well as the variation in her daily routine.
She gets to meet new people all of the time when interviewing for her podcast, Better Biz Academy, so be sure to listen!
Freelancing also gives her time to finish her PhD.
At the end of the show she shares what her thesis is…believe me, you’ll never guess!
Be sure to see the links below to her website because part of what she does is manage freelance writing for client projects, so you may want to hire her.
And, the second part of her business is the podcast and blogs that help other entrepreneurs like her who want to live like she does, fabulously!
Here’s what you can expect to find on her websites and show:
Advice about creating content and doing so quickly and effectively,Building and managing a digital team
How to make the most of your time,
How to work only on projects you love and toss aside the rest,
How to build a business with passive and recurring income in mind so you can finally take that vacation you’ve been planning.
Please give See in ADHD a rating and review of the show on iTunes too, if you find this episode helpful!
~ Jennie
Laura’s Website: