Laura Stoker is no stranger to people who think ADHD isn’t real. You see, she used to be one of those people. But then she discovered differently and began sharing her story in hopes that others will know it is real and they’re not alone.
She’s written a book, blogs, and shares on Facebook, all under the same name: Our ADHD Story. It’s been through sharing her story, and others’, that she’s spreading awareness and education about ADHD.
Laura’s Awesome Quote:

“You gotta figure out
what kind of mom you are
and go be okay with that.”
“ADHD Isn’t Real”
Laura remembers a time when she thought, “ADHD isn’t real.” But after watching her son’s struggle, for years, she decided it was time to see if maybe there was something else going on that she had no control over.
After all, she was a devoted and loving mother, but something wasn’t clicking for her and her son.
It was through the process of her son’s diagnosis that she learned what ADHD was and how she had been living with it her entire life. That understanding helped her whole family and changed their lives.
Be sure to share your thoughts with us below.
~ Jennie
Resources Mentioned:
Bouncy Bands
Access Website: