ADHD Medication Mishaps

ADHD Medication Mishaps

Yes, ADHD medication mishaps vary in degree of severity. (spoiler alert) This episode is not one of those horror stories of overdose or death.
Instead, it’s the personal recount of a series of unfortunate events that happened to a woman who knows SO much about ADHD medication. She wants to share her story because it may help you.
She also wants you to go go check out GoodRX online. It’s a free resource that allows you to look up what medications are supposed to do. You can also use the service to lower your copay or lower your the cost of medications if you pay cash…sometimes up to as much as 70%!
Aggie’s Awesome Quote:

ADHD Medication Mishaps
“No matter how many people
tell you all these medications
are the same … they’re not!”


ADHD Medication Mishaps

ADHD medication mishaps; it’s almost taboo to talk about for some folks, but the truth is they sometimes happen. My friend and colleague, Agnes Green, joins me again in this episode to discuss hers. One wasn’t too long ago.
Agnes talks about her troubles with pharmacies, pharmacists, doctors, insurance companies, and yes, the actual ADHD medication, Concerta.
She also references what she’s learned about ADHD medication and shares one of her favorite books on the subject, The New ADHD Medication Rules by Dr Charles Parker.
Of course, she can be reached via her website
On Facebook, Agnes Green Coaching, or join her and me in the facebook group, See in ADHD.
~ Jennie


Relevant Resources:



Resources Mentioned:
Goodrx.comADHD Medication Mishaps