4 ADHD-Friendly Helpful Tips with Dieting, Planning, and More!

How would you like 4 ADHD-friendly helpful tips with dieting, planning, and more? That’s what’s on today’s agenda with my guest Lisa Feinberg.
As a registered RN, and half way through the process to becoming a credentialed ADHD coach, Lisa shares some practical advice about dieting and planning that is ADHD friendly. Yes, she has it herself and has developed four strategies that she hopes will help you, as they have her.
In this episode, I asked her to come on and talk about the reasons she finds the 21 Day Fix to be ADHD-Friendly, but she shares more of what works for her in dieting, planning, and more!
Lisa’s Awesome Quote:
“It’s okay to be, it’s actually
wonderful to be … different.”



4 ADHD-Friendly Helpful Tips

Here are 4 ADHD-friendly helpful tips that help with dieting, planning, and more:

  1. 1) Buy Vega One protein powder
  2. 2) Prep Cook Day
  3. 3) Find fresh pre-cooked options
  4. 4) Develop your Kan-Ban

The protein powder, Lisa explains, is less expensive than the Shakeology drinks that are recommended with the 21 Day Fix.
Lisa also explains how preparing some meals on Sundays for the rest of the week can help you stick to healthy options, like Salad-In-A-Jar.
Or, buying some inexpensive pre-cooked meals can help if you are the non-cooking type. (Rotisserie Chicken)
Below is a link explaining the Kan-Ban system. You can tweak to personalize it so it suits your lifestyle.
Figuring out what will help specifically you, is what to do. Lisa loves to help others by teaching and sharing what she knows. Feel free to join the See in ADHD FB Group and tag her. She’d love to meet you.
~ Jennie


Other Resources Mentioned:
4 ADHD-Friendly Tips For Dieting4 ADHD-Friendly Tips

4 ADHD-Friendly Tips